
LMK's first ever EARTH PERIOD!

Every March, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) organizes an hour to be set aside to raise awareness about the need to preserve the Earth. The organization asks households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour in order to emphasize the need to raise awareness about climate change. http://www.earthhour.org/
The R.E.E.F. club at the high school introduced a version of this called "Earth Period" where the last Friday of every month the school turns off all classroom electronics, including lights, computers, and smartboards, for one period. The custodial staff, also, contributes to the events by turning off every four out of five hallway lights during the Earth Period.
Our goal is to reduce Harrison's carbon footprint by educating the students and faculty to be more conscious about their everyday use of energy.

Our first Earth Period will take place on Friday, November 18th, during periods 8 & 9. We ask that you participate and turn off all classroom electronics to help make a difference.

The Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Sydney, Australia


Wellness Celebration!!

Important meeting this TUESDAY from 2:45-3:45pm in Mrs. Long's room!!
We will reflect on Wellness Week, look through some photos from the activities,  and begin to discuss Earth Hour and Earth Day 2012!!
Bring a healthy snack to share!

Students Teaching Students!

Environmental club members prepared a lesson to educate other students about the LMK Learning and Growing Garden & the Environment. "Student teachers" taught lessons through fun and educational activities about the environment, the parts of a plant, and took classes outside to see current growth in our garden. Some lucky classes had the oppotunity to pick radishes, water the garden, help with fall clean up, and taste the radishes during a blinfold taste test!

Capturing the essence of Wellness Week!

Vegetable Taste Tests! What did you try today?


Wellness Week is here!!!

Wellness Week Schedule of events:
Monday-Kickoff Assembly featuring a video made by Christine, Caroline, Mihoko, Kathryn, and Elisa.
               Wellness Fair: Informational Booths
               Earth Hour: Rinka, Taylor, Isabella, Elyssa, Rebecca,  and Brianna, Marisa 
               Environmental Club-Taste Test: Juliana, Alycia, Krystal, Cally, Alessia, Jaclyn, Kate, and Grace, Lauren, Ally   
               Bottle Cap Recycling: AJ, Dean, Andrew, and Dillon
Tuesday-Environmental Lessons: Students teaching students!

Wednesday-Environmental Lessons: Students teaching students!

Thursday-Environmental Lessons: Students teaching students!

Friday- LMK's first "Earth Period" will take place during period 8 & 9.
               Check out Earth Hour around the world at http://www.earthhour.org/


Wellness Week Preparation

Environmental Club is preparing for classroom lessons, booths, and garden tours for Wellness Week: November 14th-18th at LMK!
Reminder to all club members: Bring in all work Wednesday morning to Mrs. Long & Mrs. Pastor's room.  We will be making our presentation boards and practicing the classroom lessons.

Eco Club will meet WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY morning AND afternoon!!!

Be Well earth helpers!!


Harrison Food Pantry Donation

We donated over 40 peppers to
the Harrison Food Pantry!!!


Green Bell Pepper Taste Test

Describe what the bell pepper tasted like in your post.


Planting the first seeds of Fall!

Come to our next Environmental Club meeting on
Tuesday Sept. 27th to plant the first seeds of Fall!!

Meet us in the garden!

Here's a few photos from our tilling and bed clearing....


Environmental Club

Who: Environmental Club
What: First club meeting!! What will we do this year??
Where: Mrs. Pastor's room-176
When: Tuesday Sept. 13th at 7:15am
Why: Share our garden experiences from this summer and set goals for the 2011-12 school year. 

Summertime favorites: cucumbers & tomatoes


Welcome to our Garden!

Stop by the courtyard to see what's growing!